Tuesday, April 7, 2009


Monday Morning is apparently created to be miserable. Specially when your husband got to go to work earlier while your kid doing a lot of messed up things in her room, and you're doing both laundry and cooking in the first day of your period.

And got more and more miserable when you heard the sound of the bakery bike man passed by and you're run out your house to catch him and get some toast bread, and in the same time, Mr. Post Man came with some delivery package to your self.

But OK.. The delivery package then made me yell :

and the miserable things gone..

From Perth OZ to Bandung Indonesia.. This time with a detail and full address. The EASY Collections Books had just arrived!

I'm suppose to say this is just a perfect cooking book I've ever had. Even better than Martha Stewart. The Easy collection had so many wonderful dishes with simple ingredients and cooking process. The pictures in this book looks very nice with one whole page of picture for one recipe.

What I like the most from this book is, the measurement is using both "gram" and "oz". So you don't have to use your calculator to covert the ingredients to "gram". As you know in Indonesia we're using "grams" for the ingredients measurement. And again... it's so simple! I'm not going to say it's Easy, it's kind of relative. But it's definitely simple!

I'm so glad that now I have two EASY Collection for my kitchen's ammo. EASY BAKING and EASY CHOCOLATE. Wait... The pictures shown there's 3 EASY BOOKS.

Ouw... Yes it's 3. The orange one is EASY TAPAS. Very cool collection of various salty dishes for main course, dinner or brunch. But it's not for me, it for Koosha's Mom. Ihiks... I wish I had three of them. Greedy... Then what I'm suppose to say? It's a great book! Everyone will like it! Lulu! Kalo dalam 2 minggu lu gak ambil buku ini, jadi hak milik gue aje yeee...

Teh Ike.. Thank you so much for being so kind and generous. I'm so lucky to having you as my friend and my sister. I'm really do... *ihik terharu...

Waktunya prakteeeek... Yiiihaaaaa!


  1. He he...sami-sami...ada 2 koleksi lagi klo ga salah noodle ama christmas...
    diantos praktek nya...biar semangat baking...Rifa kan seneng coklat ya...semangat biar Rifa bnyk makan lagi dan sehat...hehe...dari judulnya udah easy, udah terbukti di buku easy baking kan...
    nas easy tapas..cocol buat arisan, ama jualan kayaknya...he he...ayooo Naz..baking ya, biar Koosha ngemil...uluhhh..uluuuh...boleh ngemil? hehe...dikit2 boleh lah...
    Ok...to Mira n Naz..Happy baking n Cooking...!

  2. wih? ada 2 koleksi lagi?? eng ing eeeng... hush! hush!

    Thank you yah Teh.. Mau langsung praktek ah hari ini. Rencananya Chocolate Scones dulu. Hoyeeeeh... *menari-nari...

  3. widiih...diancem oy! Teh ikee...tengkyuuuuu.

    Foto lu keren2 euy. Udh lama ga buka blogspot.

    Ntar gw ambil yeee..

  4. Halo mbak Mira..yang lagi happy dapet buku baru he..he...
    Fotonya keren mbak :)

  5. Lulu : ancaman yang serieus... hohohoho...

    Mba Evi : iya nih Mba.. lagi jingkrak-jingkraaak... :D Thanks yah Mba.

  6. weeeiitssss asikk asikkk dapt bukuu sa ganbrenngg....kekekkekek...

  7. hihihihii... bukuna mah hiji Teh.. dua ketang sama yang dulu. :D Alhamdulilaaah.. :)
