Sunday, January 30, 2011

Green Tea Creme Brulee

Tantangan kali ini masih keukeuh bikin pake greentea powder. Kalo ngeliat bahan-bahannya, udah kebayang harus pake cream yang dairy. Kalo pake yang non dairy berarti harus ngurangi takaran gula. Dan emang bener.. Setelah diicip, manisnya pas pake yang dairy.

Dan surprise banget sama rasanya Creme Brulee ini. Tadinya udah sangsi gak bakalan doyan soalnya saya termasuk yang gak begitu suka dessert yang creamy dan polos kayak gini. Gampang eneg... Tapi creme brulee ternyata menjadi pengecualian. :)

Untuk Vanilla Pod saya pake Vanilla Bean Paste. Ini oleh-oleh dari Mba Arfi waktu belio berkunjung ke Bandung dua tahun lalu. Masih banyak isinya... Disimpen di kulkas mpe lupa dipake. Huahahahahaha.. Wangi banget pake paste ini. Sukaaa.. :)

Green Tea Creme Brulee

Creme Brulee
Source: Jamie Oliver: The Naked Chef 2

Serves 6

300g fresh rhubarb --> skip
3 Tbs caster sugar
2 vanilla pods --> vanilla bean paste
300ml double cream
200ml full fat milk
8 egg yolks
80g sugar

Preheat the oven to 140C/275F/Gas 1. Roughly slice up the rhubarb and place it in a pan with the caster sugar and 5 tablespoons of water. Simmer until tender, divide between 6 small serving dishes which your brulee will be cooked in, then set aside. --> skipped

Score the vanilla pods lengthwise and run the knife up the pod to remove the vanilla seeds. Scrape these into the pan with the pods, cream and milk and slowly bring to the boil.
Meanwhile beat together the yolks and the sugar in a bowl until light and fluffy. When the cream and milk are just boiling, remove the vanilla pods and add little by little to the egg mixture, whisking continuously. I like to remove any bubbles or froth from the mixture before dividing it into the serving dishes, on top of the rhubarb.

Stand these in an appropriately sized roasting tray filled with water half way up the containers, and bake in the pre-heated oven for around 25 minutes until the custard mixture has set but is still slightly wobbly in the centre. --> saya panggang sampe sekitar 50 menit suhu 150'C karena belum set.

Allow to cool to room temperature then place in the fridge until ready to serve. Sprinkle with sugar and caramelize under a very hot grill or using a kitchen blowtorch. Lovely.


Oiya ada beberapa ramekin yang saya pakein strawberry segar. Tapi berhubung pemalas, strawberry nya gak saya masak dulu speerti instruksi di resep. Dan udah kebayang hasilnya kayak apa... Ngerusak banget tekstur creme brulee nya. Sayang yaa... Dan kurang enak pula. Enakan yang polos. :D

Next... Bikin lagi? Gak ah.. Mau diet.... *dilempar timbangan*


Monica Adriana said...

mbak miraaa sang host creme brulee, ramekin qta kembar yg bintang, hihihi. eh mbak, aku punya blowtorch tp nggak pernah berani pake nih, takut banget. pdhal pake blowtorch hasilnya lebih cantik yaa..
thanks ya mbak udh mau qta repotin di tantangan kali inii.. :D

Sofie said...

green tea sy masih banyak nih, beli di titan buat nyetok di lemari.. kayaknya patut dicoba nih versi grinti nya...

Organic Indonesian Vanilla Beans said...

Terimakasih Ibu atas informasi resepnya.Salam Vanilla Bean.