Don't say you're cheese maniac if you're not yet try this outstanding cheese cookies. Femmy Jaco, the founder of this recipe is a genius!
This is my second Cheese Button and I changed the flavor of the icing. Originally used vanilla/lemon essence. This time I drops 1/2 tsp of Strawberry Essence and it comes with a satisfaction color and taste. I don't know how to describe the smell of my kitchen when this cookies were baked. Butter, strawberry, and cheese... Hmm.. You must found it yourself.
Original Recipe of Femmy Jaco
Cheese Cookies :
250 gr butter
3 eggs yolk
1 tbsp icing sugar
150 gr grated cheese (Cheddar/Dutch Edamer)
450 gr all purpose flour
100 gr tapioca flour
Icing :
45 gr eggs white
200 gr icing sugar
1/2 tsp cream of tar tar
A few drop of vanilla/lemon essence (I used strawberry essence)
Grated cheese to sprinkled

Directions :
Icing :
- Beat together eggs white, cream of tar-tar, and sugar until thick and shiny
- Drops your favorite flavor, stir well.
Cookies :
- Softened the butter, eggs yolk, icing sugar, and grated cheese using hand mixer
- Sift the flour and tapioca flour. Beat at low speed
- Rolled the batter, and cut using cookie cutter or anything you have
- Place onto the greased cookie tin
- Brush the cookie top with icing, sprinkle with the grated cheese
- Bake at 160'C until golden and firm for about 20 minutes
- Let the cookies stand cool before stored in the airtight jar.

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recipes and food presentation really make you drool , it was certainly tasty and delicious . I had to immediately try the cake recipe at home . thank you .
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