Fiuh.. Finally made up my mind.
First, I'd like to give my biggest salute to my blogger fellow Rurie of Whittycute for her brilliant idea of making this event : (almost) Forgotten Indonesian Culinary Heritage.
Yes! Indonesia is definitely home for uncountable unique, delicious, and precious food. I'm surprised that this event could bring myself to realize that there still so many Indonesian Food I did not know! Just like this one : Kue Perut Ayam.
Kue Perut Ayam is Indonesian traditional fried bread. Perut Ayam means chicken's colon in English. Yup.. Just like you I must admit I was yelled "yeach!" when I first saw this recipe. But when I look further... Hey.. there's no meat at all in it. The name Perut Ayam was given simply because the shape of the bread is look like colon. Chicken's colon? Well let's just consider it similar.
Kue Perut Ayam is now rare to find in Indonesia. As far as I know this bread usually found in Eastern Java. From where I came from in Western Java, there's also similar bread called ODADING. But it has no colon shape like Kue Perut Ayam.
One thing for sure about this bread, and about Indonesian tradition also. When it called bread, it doesn't mean that it's a main course. Indonesian people used to think that they're not yet having their lunch or their dinner if there's no rice in it. And so bread is still categorized as side dishes, just like cakes and cookies.
The unique of this bread is the using of Coconut Water for the effusion. Although there are some other Kue Perut Ayam recipes that use Coconut Milk, but I think using Coconut Water instead of Coconut Milk is more unique and different.

Source : and Tabloid Lezat
Ingredients :
150 gr all purpose flour
60 gr sugar
1/2 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp yeast
1/2 tsp vanilli powder
1 egg, beaten
50 ml fresh coconut water
Vegetable oil to fried
Directions :
- Sift the flour and the baking powder. Add sugar, vanilli powder, and yeast. Stir well.
- Make a hole in the middle of the flour, pour the egg in it, stir using wooden spoon.
- Gradually add the coconut water, stir until smooth.
- Leave the dough to proof for about 30 minutes.
- Put the dough into the piping bag. Cut the edge approximately 1 cm width.
- Heat the oil using middle heat.
- Press the dough directly onto the oil and make circle round shape just like the picture shown.
- Turn over the bread when it gets brown. And cook until completely brown.
- Served warm.

Uhui, akhirnya tayang bu...makasih buat entrynya ya :D
belum pernah coba apalagi bikin...siga pejit hayam meren nya...hehe...kreatip pisan...
Iya Rur.. Sorry yah jadinya nyetor yang ini. Padahal udah beli bahan-bahan buat Sambel Kulit Singkong, tapi kok gak mood banget buat bikinnya. Pengennya barengan Bokap gue. Secara yang punya resepnya belio. Tapi sibuk terus gak sempet mampir ke rumah. Hiks..
Tah eta bener pisan Teh Ike. Siga peujit hayam. Hehehehehe.. Rasanya persis kayak Odading.
kreatip pisan.baru denger ada istilah kue perut ayam.
gw penasaran sambel kulit singkongnya mir. baru denger jg gw.
Tar deh pasti gue posting yang Sambel Kulit Singkong. Nungguin Bokap gue lowong dulu waktunya. Soalnya agak tricky bikinnya. Kulit singkong kan bergetah gitu.
entong Mir, tong jadi bikin sambel kulit singkong, engke abdi kabitaaa...bahaya...boro2 kulit singkong...singkong na ge langka, dasar orang urang nya ka kulit2 dikaryakeun...kreatipppp pisannn...*jempol dua dehhhh....siap2 ngilerrr...
nu kumaha sambel kulit singkong teh ? belum pernah denger Mir
eta kue perut ayam teh jiga odading ? hihihi dikira perut ayam beneran da :P
haiaaayaay.. jadi kumaha atuh Teh Ike? Dibatalkan sajah Sambel Kulit Singkong teh? Padahal udah berhasil "ngebooking" Papa wiken ini.. ^_^
Sama Mira juga baru denger dari Papa Teh Elsye. Pas ada even ini Mira nanya sama Papa-Mama menu karuhun yang udah jarang apa aja. Eh kata Papa disuruh bikin Sambel Kulit Singkong. Makanan belio jaman baheula. :))
siga odading nyah? mun cincinnya penuh mah rada siga penampakan kue ali nya?! *enya henteu?? :-D
btw, boleh dilink teu blog ieu? meh gampang mampir *en nyatet resep :-p
mangga.. hatur nuhun.
emang wajib banget nih dicicipi :D
food was delicious. hmm I want to try it. I hope your article can enlighten the hearts of people for many
visit my blog too
asikkkk terimkasih untuk resep baarunya ya..
sangat komplit dan bermanfaat juga buat saya terutama untuk para ibu rumah tangga..
jadi pengen cepet di coba nih resepnya..
terimakasih ya :D
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