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1. Dita (http://last-bite.blogspot.com/2010/03/tanggapan-atas-opsi-opsi-yang-saya.html)
2. Elsye (http://sayadankamera.multiply.com) --> belum publish lewat blog
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Nyam.. Cupcake ini setelah 2 hari disimpen di container tertutup di kulkas, rasanya makin nendaaaang...
Buat yang doyan tiramisu (kayak gue), tapi males bikin sponge fingers (kayak gue), atau males ngeluarin duit cuma buat sponge fingers (kayak gue). You must try this recipe!
Cake base nya pake angel cake tanpa kuning telur. So, 1st benefit is less calories.
Untuk filling, original recipe pake chocolate mouse. Tapi karena gue banyak malesnya, jadi cuma disiram sirup kopi, tapi rasanya udah manteb. That's 2nd benefit. Simple tapi tetep lekker.
Tiramisu is mascarphone. Dan mascarphone is mahils dan susah dicari di Bandung. Jadi pake aja cottage cheese alias cream cheese biasa aja. Soal rasa? Kalo lidah moderat kayak gue, ini sih udah tiramisu banget. So.. 3rd benefit is less budget. Moahahahahaha...
Tapi lain soal kalo ada yang pesen dan berani bayar buat pake mascarphone. Euuh atuh eta mah come to euceu, darling.. :D
Resep dari Culinary Concontions by Peabody udah gue bagi 2. Segini aja cukup buat bikin 14 buah Tiramisu Cupcake diameter 4 cm.

Source : http://www.culinaryconcoctionsbypeabody.com/2009/06/19/life-well-waist-altering/Bahan White Cupcakes :
3/4 cups all-purpose flour
1/2 cup cake flour --> pake terigu segitiga
1/2 tbsp baking powder --> cuma 1/4 sdt
1/2 tsp salt
1/4 cup unsalted butter, at room temperature
1/8 cup vegetable oil
3/4 cups granulated sugar
1 tsp vanilla extract
1/2 cup whole milk --> pake susu UHT
3 egg whites
- Sift together flours, baking powder and salt in a medium bowl; set aside.
- In a mixing bowl (if using a stand mixer use the paddle attachment), cream butter and sugar until light and fluffy, about 3 minutes.
- Add vanilla extract and beat until incorporated.
- In a liquid measuring cup, combing vegetable oil and milk.
- Add flour mixture and milk/oil mixture alternatively to the mixing bowl. Beating on low speed after each addition.
- Pour mixture into a large bowl. Scrape down to make sure you get all of the batter.
- Clean out bowl and switch to whisk attachment.
- Beat egg whites until stiff peaks form.
- Fold 1/3 of the egg whites into the batter, to “lighten” the batter. Gently fold in the remaining egg whites.
- Grease and lightly flour muffin pans. Fill each cup half full.
- Bake at 375 degrees for 18 to 20 minutes or until done.
- Cool on a wire rack.
Espresso Chocolate Mousse --> diskip trus diganti sama syrup kopi (2 sdt kopi instant + 50 gr gula pasir + 100 ml air mendidih)
2 cups chilled heavy cream
4 large egg yolks
4 TBSP sugar
2 tsp espresso powder
8 oz fine-quality semisweet chocolate, finely chopped
- Heat ¾ cup cream in a 1-quart heavy saucepan until hot.
- Whisk together yolks, sugar, espresso powder, and a pinch of salt in a metal bowl until combined well, then add hot cream in a slow stream, whisking until combined.
- Transfer mixture to saucepan and cook over moderately low heat, stirring constantly, until it registers 160°F on thermometer. Pour custard through a fine-mesh sieve into a bowl.
- Melt chocolate in a double boiler, stirring frequently. Whisk custard into chocolate until smooth, then cool.
- Beat remaining 1 ¼ cups cream in a bowl with an electric mixer until it just holds stiff peaks. Whisk one fourth of cream into chocolate custard to lighten, then fold in remaining cream gently but thoroughly.
Mascarpone Frosting
1 cups heavy whipping cream4 ounces Mascarpone cheese, at room temperature --> pake cottage cheese / cream cheese
3/4 cups powdered sugar
- Using and electric mixer, whip the cream until stiff peaks form.
- In a mixing bowl, fold 2/3 of the whipped cream into the Mascarpone cheese, along with the powdered sugar.
- Add remaining cream. Blend until cream is fully incorporated.
- Place in refrigerator until ready to frost.
- Using the cone method, fill cupcakes with Espresso Chocolate Mousse filling. Place top back on top of cupcakes. Brush top of cupcake with coffee or espresso. Go light on this as they are fresh cupcakes, and not hard like most ladyfingers. You don’t want to soak them.
- Frost top with Mascarpone Frosting.
- Sprinkle cocoa powder on top of cupcakes and garnish with crushed ladyfingers
Assembling my way :
- Tuang tiap permukaan cupcake dengan 2 sdt syrup kopi. --> lebih banyak lebih asoy.. beneran deh..
- Diamkan sampai syrup meresap ke dalam cake.
- Beri cream cheese frosting dengan cara di swirl dengan spuit, lalu taburi dengan coklat bubuk.
ngeselin banget nih maling² foto. kudu dikasih pestisida biar ilang.
resepnya kudu dicoba nih Mir. berhasil lo bikin gw ngacai
sengkyu buat atensi dan supportnay Mir. Maling2 foto itu kayaknya emang minta dicocolin wasabi idungnya, taburin bawang merah matanya dan digaruk pake parutan....hahahahahaha.....
*sambil nyomot 1 cup tiramisu*
Susah memberhentikan plagiat, Alhamdulillah belum sampai ada yang nyomot foto gue untuk dijadiin buku (atau belum ketahuan), selama ini baru yang online-online aja.
Btw Mir, add blogku ya:
Mindoel & Dita.. gak ngarti dah kudu ngomong apa. Yang jelas sih jangan berhenti berjuang supaya gak jadi kebiasaan.
Chandra, udah di link ya. Punya gue kecolongan kemaren dipasang di Group FB sama cewe alay yang so' agamis. Cuiih pengen gue jitak tu alay..
1cup itu brp gram ya?
Hi dita, heavy whipping cream pakai merk apa ya? Thank youuuuuu
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