What do you think of eating raw fish? You'll never know unless you try. That's why they created wasabi and red ginger pickles. You won't taste the fleshy fish if you eat it with those two sushi's escort. :)

And yesterday, I'm daring myself to make my own sushi WITHOUT A SUSHI ROLL. I don't have one. And still don't have plan to buy one.
This is how I do it. I'm just use a clean napkin to roll the nori filled with rice, lettuce, kyushu (Japanese Cucumber), mayonnaise, and crab stick / crab cake. And then rolled it just like making a Swiss Roll Cake. And it's easier because sushi is definitely smaller than a roll cake.
As you can see the result is not that neat but hey.. It's a sushi anyway...
And I made this sushi for breakfast... :)
hu hu hu, masih belum nemu dimana letak kenikmatannya Miiiir... aku milih lemper aja deh klo ada :D
Wekekekekeke.. Gapapa Mae. Mending pilih salah satu aja deh. Sushi atau Lemper. Daripada doyan dua-duanya kayak gue.. Serakah yah bow.. :D
itu teh bikin sushi ngaroll pake waslap??
suka sushi tanpa wasabi...:))
Mas Chandra, bukan waslap tapi napkin alias serbet.. wakakakakaka.. :D
Teh Ike.. wasabi kalo dimakan kebanyakan idung langsung burning.. XD
Sushi bukannya pake mirin?
mirin = alkohol = haram
Sushi..fav aku Mira...sorry nich udah lama ga mampir2..
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