Although I knew the red one since I was a kid, but it called arben, not Raspberry. I have no idea if those fruits are similar (or not?). All I know these fruits commonly grouped as a forest fruit.
Last week, me and my whole family goes to Lembang. It's a place where breeze and green is still found around Bandung. But I'm sure in the next 5 years, this small city will be fulled with houses and villas, and there is so.. bye bye breeze..
There's always many men sell these berries in Lembang. When we stopped by, these sellers would run and forced us to buy with annoying attitude. But somehow, my "not buying" defense is too weak. And four boxes of berries was then moved into my bag.
Actually, I'm kinda stuck.. Berries for juice? Berries to eat straight? Bored.. Until this RECIPE came into my screen. FRESH RASPBERRY PIE.
Pie.. Why not? You know I'm a pie maniac. And when it said FRESH, it does FRESH. I tell you what, the taste is too good to be true. I LOVE IT! And I say it loud!

Source : All Recipes, Modified by Me
Ingredients :
1 pie crust for 18 cm round--> see my pie recipe
- Bake the pie crust for about 10 minutes
Filling :
200 gr fresh raspberries --> I used both raspberries and black berries
100 gr white sugar
2 tbsp tapioca flour
1 tbsp lemon juice
1/2 tsp ground cinnamon
Pinch of salt
4 tbsp fresh cream
2 tbsp butter
Directions :
- Preheat oven to 180'C
- Mix together all ingredients, and pour onto the prepared pie crust, dot with butter, and covered with pie crust.
- Bake for 20 minutes until the filling is firm and not too runny
- Serve hot or chilled, whatever you like
Notes :
This pie was gone real fast. I want it more but I have no more berries to bake! *cry out loud...
mantaf Mir foto yg terkhir, ah melesat cepat ya ! Duuuh dr dulu jg pengen ngerasain tu buah frambose, pasti juicy ya :)
whuaaa... Maee... kangeeeennn!!
iyaa.. Juicy banget. Tapi bercampur sama creamy. Ah gile deh rasanya poll abbeeesh! Gak nyangka bakal seenak ini. Hihihihi..
nice pict, mira. look yummy.
Enak nih......nyam.......disini juga mahal lo ini beri2....satu pack kecil 150gr bisa sampe 2.50 euro.... hiks
@Lisa : thank you.. :)
@Rurie : mahalyah Rur? di Lembang tuh murah. 10 ribu dapet 2 kotak. :)
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